Thursday, December 29, 2016

Keeping It Simple

Many of us make well intended New Year’s resolutions. Most of us somehow manage to never keep them.
Lose 20 pounds; save more money; read a good book every week. They all fall by the wayside as the daily grind takes over and we never find the time to accomplish those things that we swore on our sainted Grandmother’s grave we would.
For 2017, I’ve decided to save myself the frustration and not commit to a check list of promises.
My goal for the new year is to keep life simple. My hair is white enough. I’m not going to worry about the things I can’t control.

I can't worry too much about what Le Grande Orange does in Washington.  If I do, my hair will start falling out quicker than it already is.
I’m also not going to be so concerned about what other people think. I’ve been around long enough to have earned the right to be grumpy every now and then.

What I can do is be the best husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, employee, colleague and friend that I can.

I can control the amount and quality of the time I spend with my family and do the best job every day for the people who employee me. I can be generous when generosity is needed. I can appreciate the people I’m around and the opportunities I’ve been given.

We’re in the final days of a year filled with tragedy.  The phrases “you never know” and “there but for the grace of God…” have been uttered far too often.
We need a fresh start. The new year won’t be without its challenges and tragedies, but if we focus on the good, the positive and the possible it has to be better than the one we’re thankfully leaving behind.