Tuesday, April 2, 2019

More Randomness

To the person who was speeding and cut me and several other drivers off in their haste to get to church on time, I don't think that's what Jesus would do.

If you've been involved in higher education for more than 20 minutes, you weren't surprised by the celebrity college admissions scandal. Back in my younger days, I served on the Academic Review Board at a small New England college, where I was teaching. As we reviewed the grades and potential of students who did not fare well during the semester, we would be interrupted several times during the process by a knock on the door summoning the Dean, who chaired our group, to the President's Office. He would return to tell us that a particular student was off our review list, because the family had just made a generous donation.

I tend to see things from the liberal side and am certainly no fan of the President. But it was uncomfortable watching the morning network news hosts trying to continue the collusion story when clearly the Special Prosecutor had debunked it. This kind of behavior only provides more evidence to the fake news crowd.

I'm enjoying podcasts more and more and radio less and less. There's more variety, less repetition, and I feel like I'm always learning something.

After watching a weekend of March Madness, the NBA seems very boring.

You wouldn't think that recent stories involving Lori Loughlin and Michael Jackson would have anything in common. What they share is that in both cases the reaction of  a certain segment of the population was to deal with the issues raised by ignoring them. Stop listening to Jackson recordings and fire Loughlin from the Hallmark Channel. The first reaction does nothing to punish Jackson, nor give the men who were featured in the HBO documentary their lives back. The second was a pre-reaction to the Twitter mob, who would have quickly moved on to another issue. Ignoring uncomfortable issues doesn't solve them. People have to find the space in their consciousness to handle both sides of the coin.

Did you enjoy how Bill Belichick handled the wiseguys from TMZ as much as I did?

Why is it easier to forgive than forget?

I finally know what "chalk" and "OG" mean.

This from Dean College colleague and voice of the PC Friars John Rooke's "Thinking Out Loud" column. This major league baseball season marks the first time there isn't a single player who played in the 20th century.

This Red Sox fan isn't panicking.


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