Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Going Online

Over the last several weeks, colleges and universities have transitioned to online learning. Companies have told employees to work at home.

Just flip the switch and we'll roll on.

If only it were that easy.

There are many lessons to be learned from our collective response to the Corona Virus. I hope one is that when it comes to technology, not all of us are equal.

While most of us consider high speed internet access and home computers a given like the kitchen sink, that's simply not the case for everyone.

As college students scattered across the country to finish the semester online, they were going home to differing technological realities. Internet access isn't the same everywhere. In some family situations, a home computer is a luxury. While on campus, it's not unusual for students to use an IPad to read their online textbooks, then write their papers on library computers.

This technological gap can exist not only for some college students, but those in grades K-12. In response to schools being closed, local districts have started posting assignments online. What if the family doesn't have access to a computer and printer? What then?

According to recently published statistics, nearly 90% of American households either have a laptop or desktop computer.* The other 10%? Some are no doubt older households. IPhones and IPads work just fine for Grandma and Grandpa who are retired in Florida and can FaceTime with their grandchildren.

But for those homes where there is no computer and school age children? Our daughter has several technological devices at home from IPads to Nintendo and virtual reality goggles.  A home computer? Nope. If she needs to use one, she comes to our house.

Generally speaking, computers should be replaced every five years to keep up with technology. They can last longer if being used just for internet browsing and keeping track of the family budget.

But will those machines be suitable substitutes for the computer at your desk when you're suddenly called upon to do your  job at home? Maybe not. This might explain why one of our real estate clients, who is responsible for his company's IT operations, has been delivering laptops to employees, who are now working at home.

What's more surprising is that about 19 million Americans -- 6% of the population - still lack access to fixed broad services at minimal levels. In rural areas, nearly 25% of the population -- 14.5 million people -- lack any internet access.

It's called the digital divide.  It's more stunning when you consider that 41% of the world's population doesn't have any internet access at all. (How do they survive without YouTube and TikTok?)

When Bridgewater State University made the decision to move to online learning, I polled my students about access to the internet and home computers. A handful responded that they had limited or no internet access and/or no home computer. The obvious suggestion to use their Town Library quickly became moot.

Starting tomorrow, our granddaughter's school district is implementing mandatory morning meetings with teachers and students. Weekly assignments are being posted at the school's website. Her First Communion class began Zoom instruction this past Sunday!

This is certainly a welcomed effort to provide a sense of normalcy and structure for students, while continuing the learning process at some level. But for those homes where technology is an issue -- no matter how small the number -- one has to hope that school districts will provide resources and assistance.

Already isolated from their classmates, teachers, after school activities and other family members, this is not the time to leave any child behind.

*Statista, March 2020

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