Thursday, December 26, 2019


My sincere thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read my thoughts, both big and small. At the least, I hope you have enjoyed my posts. Maybe every now and then I've even given you something to think about.

For me, this blog is a hobby, an occasional teaching tool, and a bit of self indulgence, as I've always fancied myself a writer.

I know it seems like things are a little crazy right now. But, those of us of a certain age remember other times when we also weren't sure what the future held.

As kids and then teenagers, we lived through the assassinations of three beloved leaders; the brink of nuclear war with the Russians; a power outage that knocked out the East Coast (many feared it was the Russians); a very unpopular war that was killing thousands of American soldiers, and the first -- and so far only -- Presidential resignation.

If you're not sure what to do with that Amazon gift card you got as a present yesterday, consider purchasing The Soul of America by historian Jon Meecham. He's a great writer and in this book, he chronicles the many times during our history when we managed to overcome division and fear to more forward.

(If his name sounds familiar, he spoke at the funerals for President and Mrs. Bush and was very engaging.)

So, while there's a lot to be concerned about as we head into 2020, I sincerely hope that during this holiday season you can be as grateful as I am for the many blessings that we do have.

As food for thought, please check out this surprisingly motivational video from Steve Harvey.

Wishing you the best in 2020...

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